Wednesday, July 11, 2012


If you follow my blog, you will realize I am a worrier. If you have known me for more than one second, you know I am a worrier. This is not a fun thing to be. It is not enjoyable. It is also a big fat sin. I have these phases too. I'll be doing really well for a long time and then BAM, crazy worry. I got that BAM about 10-12 weeks into pregnancy (if you ask my nurse practitioner, she would say it was one second after I saw the two pink lines...but details, details). Each stage of pregnancy has brought on a new set of worries.

The brain of pregnant Me: First trimester, miscarriage. Second trimester, make it to 27 weeks...make it to 27 weeks. Third trimester, make it to 35 weeks, make it to 35 weeks. After 35 weeks: When will the baby come? Is she moving? Is she moving enough? 37 weeks GET HER OUT OF ME, SHE'LL BE OK IF SHE IS OUT OF ME! 

Yes. I know. I've repeated verses back to myself over and over. This helps, but not all the time. Being on limited bed rest I think makes it easier to worry. I have LOTS of time to think about all the things that could be wrong etc. I have always been the person who thinks of the absolute worst case scenario, so if something bad happens, and it isn't the worst case scenario, then hey, bonus! I realize that by doing this I am sinning. I am not trusting God. I am not realizing who He is and His faithfulness. I honestly sometimes think to myself, "The moment I start fully trusting God is the moment He will take away something." This is ridiculous. I mean, it could happen, but if that did happen, does that change who He is? That He loves me? That He is faithful? NO! So why do I continue to let satan win, the big JERK!? 

I'm not even sure why I am writing this blog. I started writing it because I hadn't felt the baby move in a while and I was going back and forth about calling the doctor. About 2 minutes into writing this blog she started moving around like crazy and pretty much hasn't stopped! PRAISE GOD! To be honest, I think I needed to get my thoughts out, needed to be honest, and maybe help someone else realize they aren't alone if they worry too. Most importantly, when I write these blogs I try to find verses to go along with what I'm saying. Here is one I've read many times, I may have used it before. I'm using it again. 

"26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. 27 And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.
28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."
Romans 8:26-28

Point: I can't stop worrying on my own. As I sit here and try to will myself to stop worrying, it doesn't work. I have to ask the Spirit to intercede for me. I have to ask the Spirit to fill me and consume me so my thoughts are not my own. Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me!

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