Saturday, May 7, 2011

You May Have Just Saved My Baby!!

Last year God did amazing things at the Pregnancy Help Center Walk for life and throughout the year! I wanted to repost this to inspire and show the miracles that God does! Thank you, again, everyone who supported this amazing cause monetarily and/or through prayer! Please continue to do so as God leads! If you keep up with the blog, God has blessed us with a baby through conception (she is still living in me for the next 3 months) We are overwhelmed and humbled by the things God has done and continues to do, as we deserve none of them! Super excited to walk this year on May 5 and can't wait to see what God does (also can't wait to take our little baby girl next year and show her what its all about, and maybe even help save her brother or sister)! Please join us at the walk, even if you only sponsor yourself!


Today was the Pregnancy Help Center Walk for Life. As some of you know, God has put this ministry on my heart from a very young age. I can't remember exactly how old I was (early teens I think), but I remember being at Calvary Assembly of God and hearing a woman speak about getting pregnant at an "old age" and the doctor telling her to have an abortion. She did not. Her daughter is actually getting married very soon because her mom chose life! After hearing her story, God spoke to my heart about the Pregnancy Help Center and about abortion.

This year I decided to have a goal of raising $1,000 on my own and I was scared. I didn't think I would be able to do it, and I was right. On my own, I never would've raised $1,000, but with God, I raised $2,600. I do not post this to bring myself any recognition, because people gave sacrificially on their own. I post this to show the power of God. When God lays something on our hearts, a passion, all we have to do is listen and He uses us! As of now, the total for all walkers is $46,000, $11,000 more than walk day last year. That means more money will be coming in after today! Hallelujah!

Thank you to everyone who gave generously through time, money and prayer!

So, why did I name this "You May Have Just Saved My Baby!"? Well, God has chosen not to give us any children right now. I believe He will give us children in the future. He has laid it on our hearts to adopt a child and maybe He will bless us with a child we conceive, but I know He will bless us with a child somehow. By giving to the Pregnancy Help Center, you give women the opportunity to choose life and maybe provide a baby for our family one day.  From the bottom of our hearts...thank you. You may have just saved my baby!!

"35In everything I have pointed out to you [by example] that, by working diligently in this manner, we ought to assist the weak, being mindful of the words of the Lord Jesus, how He Himself said, It is more blessed
to give than to receive." Acts 20:35


  1. Molly,
    You bless me so much! I love your conveys to me that you want whatever God wants and you want to serve Him well! You bless me is all I can say!! Whenever you have time and can email me privately, I would love to share something with you about why I have a heart for the is quite personal! :) I appreciate you! :)

  2. Hey Blessed Mama! Thanks so much! I appreciate the encouragement. Not sure what your email address is, so feel free to email me!

  3. Molly, You are Awesome. I am very proud of you!

  4. Molly,
    Thank you for sharing your story with everyone. You are a very strong and inspiring person. I was surprised to hear your quest for a family. Be patient and pray for direction. Doug and I had to be patient. We were presented with difficult decisions and situations. But, we weren't presented with anything we couldn't handle. With time, we were blessed with a child. The wait and experience was worth it. God is good and he hears you. Let me know if you would like to discuss this any furher. Peace
