Thursday, April 21, 2011

Getting Motivated

Sometimes it is difficult to get motivated. It is sunny outside (maybe not warm) but definitely sunny. I need to go for a run but sometimes it is hard to get motivated. So what motivates? Knowing how good I will feel when I'm done. Not only will I physically feel better, but running outside really clears my mind! I used to be one of those people that said I would only run if someone was chasing me, but after seeing my husband and brother finish the Peace Race I decided to try running. I ran one time one mile and I was hooked! Yeah, sometimes I do not feel like finishing and I do skip days of working out, but today, I'm motivating myself. I'm going for a run! Doesn't mean YOU have to go for a run, but maybe just get off the couch, do a couple squats and get your heart rate going!

1 comment:

  1. You are hilarious! I love that you are doing this blog! SO FUN! So proud of you and what God has done in you through this. I think weight is something that so many people deal with and that we have dealt with our whole lives because our moms or dads were focused on losing but never did, and we were on our first diet in junior high school. When you have had it for so long and suffered, it seems impossible. BUT that is where you brought God into it all. Because NOTHING is impossible for God! And what I love about even my own journey towards weight loss is that the tools that I have used to get me to where I am now including the tools it takes to complete a race- I use those very same tools in almost every aspect of my life- relationships, friendships, in my job. Its awesome. I am looking forward to reading more and hey, maybe starting my own blog! I just watched Julie & Julia (the whole movie while hula hooping- a good workout and you get to watch a movie- you forget you are doing it!) and I cant help but think about her blogging and how fun it was and how disciplined you have to be! :) Thanks for sharing Molly! May you be blessed abundantly!
