Sunday, April 10, 2011

How Did You Do It?? Well, I'm a food addict.

So many people ask me this question. How did you do it? Some may not even realize what I did (well, I didn't do it, but we'll get into that soon). I lost 110 lbs. Yes, I will say my starting weight. In January 2008, I weighed 285 lbs. When I got married in May of 2005 I weighed between 195-205 lbs., I can't remember exactly. So instead of answering how I lost all of the weight, I will start with how I gained all the weight.

The easiest answer, I ate. Obviously. But that is not the question we should ask people who gain almost 100 lbs. in six months. Aside from health reasons, people gain weight from eating and not exercising. But WHY, when you gain that much weight in that short amount of time, are you eating and not exercising? A lot of times, its because the person is a food addict. I was a food addict. There are so many levels to addiction and I am certainly not an expert. I only know what I've learned from my father, watching intervention and my own experience (and some others close to me). For me, I was trying to ignore feelings. That's funny because I am an open book, but a lot happened in a short time (almost all good things), but through counseling I realized that even if a bunch of really awesome things happen all at once, it can overwhelm us. These events can cause us to become depressed and anxious because we aren't sure how to deal with them.
It is difficult to admit when you have an addiction. Food addiction is such a hush, hush topic. It is embarrassing. I was a food addict and still struggle with it now. But here is the AWESOME news. God has delivered me from the stronghold of food addiction. He has set me free and it is now my responsibility, with His help and control, to live in this freedom. Not only has He delivered me from this food addiction, but has helped me to lose over 100 lbs.

"He must become greater, I must become less." John 3:30

I will continue to post about this journey I have been on and how God has helped me through it. I may also share recipes and encouragement about eating gluten free (or may start a separate blog for that). If you want to send me anything personally, please let me know and I will get you my email address.


  1. Great Job Molly!
    God is so good! I am on my way on the same journey...So far I am down about 27 lbs since Jan 2nd. I hope to reach my goal of 50 lbs down by the end of July...I have tried and failed many times before to lose and maintain my weight loss but like you this time i am striving to remain totally surrendered to the Lord through the process...I have actually had a really tough time the last few weeks so this blog is really an encouragement to me! You look great physically but more you have the love of Christ oozing out of you!!! thanks for the wise insight! Missy

  2. Way to go "Aunt Molly" (yep -- you'll always be Aunt Molly at our house...). Writing will no doubt help maintain your incentive, your ideal, and most importantly, God's plan for you and your health. Keep on keepin' on girl!
    Love, Betsy

  3. I'm so proud of you Molls! You look absolutely wonderful and I know you feel wonderful too. Thank you for being so willing to share your story and help others.
    Love you,

  4. Aunt Mols, I'm so proud of you! This story inspires me all the time, you are such a wonderful woman and one of the best aunts this little redhead could ask for! I love you so much

  5. Molly, you are going to inspire and help so many people as you share your journey! I'm privileged to have had you in my life all these years. Praise God for all He is doing. Such new found freedom.

    Mrs. S

  6. Unreal - Keep it up! I can't wait to read more!
